Roborazzi Help

How to use

Take a screenshot manually

You can take a screenshot by calling captureRoboImage().


import androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4.createAndroidComposeRule import import androidx.test.espresso.Espresso.onView import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.robolectric.annotation.GraphicsMode // All you need to do is use the captureRoboImage function in the test! import com.github.takahirom.roborazzi.captureRoboImage // Tips: You can use Robolectric while using AndroidJUnit4 @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) // Enable Robolectric Native Graphics (RNG) @GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode.Mode.NATIVE) class ManualTest { @get:Rule val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>() @Test fun captureRoboImageSample() { // Tips: You can use Robolectric with Espresso API // launch ActivityScenario.launch( // Capture screen onView(ViewMatchers.isRoot()) // If you don't specify a screenshot file name, Roborazzi will automatically use the method name as the file name for you. // The format of the file name will be as follows: // build/outputs/roborazzi/com_..._ManualTest_captureRoboImageSample.png .captureRoboImage() // Capture Jetpack Compose Node composeTestRule.onNodeWithTag("AddBoxButton") .onParent() .captureRoboImage("build/compose.png") } }

Roborazzi supports the following APIs.



✅ Jetpack Compose's onNode()

composeTestRule.onNodeWithTag("AddBoxButton") .captureRoboImage()

✅ Espresso's onView()

onView(ViewMatchers.isRoot()) .captureRoboImage()
onView(withId( .captureRoboImage()

✅ View

val view: View = composeTestRule.activity.findViewById<View>( view.captureRoboImage()

✅ Jetpack Compose lambda

captureRoboImage() { Text("Hello Compose!") }


✅ Captures the entire screen, including dialogs


✅ Bitmap

val bitmap: Bitmap = createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) .apply { applyCanvas { drawColor( } } bitmap.captureRoboImage()

Device configuration

You can configure the device by using the @Config annotation and RobolectricDeviceQualifiers.



✅ Predefined device configuration

You can change the device configuration by adding @Config to the class or method.

@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) @GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode.Mode.NATIVE) @Config(qualifiers = RobolectricDeviceQualifiers.Pixel5) class RoborazziTest {
@Test @Config(qualifiers = RobolectricDeviceQualifiers.Pixel5) fun test() {

✅ Night mode

@Config(qualifiers = "+night")

✅ Locale

@Config(qualifiers = "+ja")

✅ Screen size

@Config(qualifiers = RobolectricDeviceQualifiers.MediumTablet)

Integrate to your GitHub Actions

It is easy to integrate Roborazzi to your GitHub Actions.

Add a job to store screenshots

name: store screenshots on: push env: GRADLE_OPTS: "-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx6g -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dkotlin.incremental=false" jobs: test: runs-on: macos-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-java@v3.9.0 with: distribution: 'zulu' java-version: 19 - name: Gradle cache uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2 - name: test run: | # Create screenshots ./gradlew app:recordRoborazziDebug --stacktrace # Upload screenshots to GitHub Actions Artifacts - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: screenshots path: app/build/outputs/roborazzi retention-days: 30

Add a job to verify screenshots

name: verify test on: push env: GRADLE_OPTS: "-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx6g -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dkotlin.incremental=false" jobs: test: runs-on: macos-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-java@v3.9.0 with: distribution: 'zulu' java-version: 19 - name: Gradle cache uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2 # Download screenshots from main branch - uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2 with: name: screenshots path: app/build/outputs/roborazzi workflow: test.yaml branch: main - name: verify test id: verify-test run: | # If there is a difference between the screenshots, the test will fail. ./gradlew app:verifyRoborazziDebug --stacktrace - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 if: ${{ always() }} with: name: screenshot-diff path: app/build/outputs/roborazzi retention-days: 30 - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 if: ${{ always() }} with: name: screenshot-diff-reports path: app/build/reports retention-days: 30 - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 if: ${{ always() }} with: name: screenshot-diff-test-results path: app/build/test-results retention-days: 30

Advanced workflow Sample: Compare Snapshot Results on Pull Requests

For those who are looking for a more advanced example, we have prepared a sample repository that demonstrates how to use Roborazzi to compare snapshot results on GitHub pull requests. This sample showcases the integration of Roborazzi with GitHub Actions workflows, making it easy to visualize and review the differences between snapshots directly in the pull request comments.

Check out the roborazzi-compare-on-github-comment-sample repository to see this powerful feature in action and learn how to implement it in your own projects.

Example of the comment

236480693 80483cde 53fe 4c04 ba1f 2352e14b5f15

RoborazziRule (Optional)

RoborazziRule is a JUnit rule for Roborazzi. RoborazziRule is optional. You can use captureRoboImage() without this rule.

RoborazziRule has two features.

  1. Provide context such as RoborazziOptions and outputDirectoryPath etc for captureRoboImage().

  2. Capture screenshots for each test when specifying RoborazziRule.options.captureType.

For example, The following code generates an output file named **custom_outputDirectoryPath**/**custom_outputFileProvider**-com.github.takahirom.roborazzi.sample.RuleTestWithPath.captureRoboImage.png:

@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) @GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode.Mode.NATIVE) class RuleTestWithPath { @get:Rule val roborazziRule = RoborazziRule( options = Options( outputDirectoryPath = "$DEFAULT_ROBORAZZI_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH/custom_outputDirectoryPath", outputFileProvider = { description, outputDirectory, fileExtension -> File( outputDirectory, "custom_outputFileProvider-${}.${description.methodName}.$fileExtension" ) } ), ) @Test fun captureRoboImage() { launch( // The file will be saved using the rule's outputDirectoryPath and outputFileProvider onView(isRoot()).captureRoboImage() } }

Generate gif image

@Test fun captureRoboGifSample() { onView(ViewMatchers.isRoot()) .captureRoboGif("build/test.gif") { // launch ActivityScenario.launch( // move to next page onView(withId( .perform(click()) // back pressBack() // move to next page onView(withId( .perform(click()) } }
226362212 35d34c9e 6df1 4671 8949 10fad7ad98c9

Generate gif with test rule

With the JUnit test rule, you do not need to name the gif image, and if you prefer, you can output the gif image only if the test fails.

This test will output this file.


@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) @GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode.Mode.NATIVE) class RuleTestWithOnlyFail { @get:Rule val roborazziRule = RoborazziRule( captureRoot = onView(isRoot()), options = Options( onlyFail = true, captureType = RoborazziRule.CaptureType.Gif, ) ) @Test fun captureRoboLastImageSampleFail() { // launch ActivityScenario.launch( // move to next page onView(withId( .perform(click()) // should fail because the button does not exist // Due to failure, the gif image will be saved in the outputs folder. onView(withId( .perform(click()) } }

Generate Jetpack Compose gif with test rule

Test target

@Composable fun SampleComposableFunction() { var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) } Column( Modifier .size(300.dp) ) { Box( Modifier .testTag("AddBoxButton") .size(50.dp) .clickable { count++ } ) (0..count).forEach { Box( Modifier .size(30.dp) ) } } }

Test (Just add RoborazziRule)

@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) @GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode.Mode.NATIVE) class ComposeTest { @get:Rule val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<ComponentActivity>() @get:Rule val roborazziRule = RoborazziRule( composeRule = composeTestRule, captureRoot = composeTestRule.onRoot(), options = RoborazziRule.Options( RoborazziRule.CaptureType.Gif() ) ) @Test fun composable() { composeTestRule.setContent { SampleComposableFunction() } (0 until 3).forEach { _ -> composeTestRule .onNodeWithTag("AddBoxButton") .performClick() } } }
com github takahirom roborazzi sample ComposeTest_composable

RoborazziRule options

You can use some RoborazziRule options

/** * This rule is a JUnit rule for roborazzi. * This rule is optional. You can use [captureRoboImage] without this rule. * * This rule have two features. * 1. Provide context such as `RoborazziOptions` and `outputDirectoryPath` etc for [captureRoboImage]. * 2. Capture screenshots for each test when specifying RoborazziRule.options.captureType. */ class RoborazziRule private constructor( private val captureRoot: CaptureRoot, private val options: Options = Options() ) : TestWatcher() { /** * If you add this annotation to the test, the test will be ignored by * roborazzi's CaptureType.LastImage, CaptureType.AllImage and CaptureType.Gif. */ annotation class Ignore data class Options( val captureType: CaptureType = CaptureType.None, /** * output directory path */ val outputDirectoryPath: String = provideRoborazziContext().outputDirectory, val outputFileProvider: FileProvider = provideRoborazziContext().fileProvider ?: defaultFileProvider, val roborazziOptions: RoborazziOptions = provideRoborazziContext().options, ) sealed interface CaptureType { /** * Do not generate images. Just provide the image path to [captureRoboImage]. */ object None : CaptureType /** * Generate last images for each test */ data class LastImage( /** * capture only when the test fail */ val onlyFail: Boolean = false, ) : CaptureType /** * Generate images for Each layout change like TestClass_method_0.png for each test */ data class AllImage( /** * capture only when the test fail */ val onlyFail: Boolean = false, ) : CaptureType /** * Generate gif images for each test */ data class Gif( /** * capture only when the test fail */ val onlyFail: Boolean = false, ) : CaptureType }

Image comparator custom settings

When comparing images, you may encounter differences due to minor changes related to antialiasing. You can use the options below to avoid this.

@get:Rule val roborazziRule = RoborazziRule( options = RoborazziRule.Options( roborazziOptions = RoborazziOptions( compareOptions = RoborazziOptions.CompareOptions( changeThreshold = 0.01, // For 1% accepted difference imageComparator = SimpleImageComparator( maxDistance = 0.007F, // 0.001F is default value from Differ vShift = 2, // Increasing the shift can help resolve antialiasing issues hShift = 2 // Increasing the shift can help resolve antialiasing issues ) ) ) ) )

Experimental WebP support and other image formats

You can set roborazzi.record.image.extension to webp in your file to generate WebP images.


WebP is a lossy image format by default, which can make managing image differences challenging. To address this, we provide a lossless WebP image comparison feature. To enable WebP support, add testImplementation("io.github.darkxanter:webp-imageio:0.3.3") to your build.gradle.kts file.

onView(ViewMatchers.withId( .captureRoboImage( roborazziOptions = RoborazziOptions( recordOptions = RoborazziOptions.RecordOptions( imageIoFormat = LosslessWebPImageIoFormat(), ), ) )

You can also use other image formats by implementing your own AwtImageWriter and AwtImageLoader.

data class JvmImageIoFormat( val awtImageWriter: AwtImageWriter, val awtImageLoader: AwtImageLoader ) : ImageIoFormat

Dump mode

If you are having trouble debugging your test, try Dump mode as follows.


Accessibility Check

Roborazzi Accessibility Checks is a library that integrates accessibility checks into Roborazzi. Please refer to Accessibility Check

Roborazzi options

Please check out RoborazziOptions for available Roborazzi options.

Last modified: 04 March 2025