Roborazzi Help


Q: How can I run only screenshot tests using Roborazzi?

A: To run only screenshot tests, you can configure your project with the following:

android { testOptions { unitTests { all { // -Pscreenshot to filter screenshot tests it.useJUnit { if (project.hasProperty("screenshot")) { includeCategories("io.github.takahirom.roborazzi.testing.category.ScreenshotTests") } } } } } }

Include the -Pscreenshot property, and only the screenshot tests will be run.

Note: This feature is not provided in the Roborazzi library itself, to keep it simple and utilize JUnit's built-in features for test filtering.

You can also annotate your tests like this:

/** * You can filter ScreenshotTests using -Pscreenshot parameter */ interface ScreenshotTests @Test @Category(ScreenshotTests::class) fun checkLaunchShot() { onRoot().captureRoboImage(roborazziOptions = roborazziOptions) }

This allows you to create a category of screenshot tests and filter them using the -Pscreenshot property, thus making it easier to run only those specific tests.

Q: How can I debug screenshot tests in Android Studio?

Q: How can I execute screenshot tests using Android Studio's Run button?

A: To execute screenshot tests using Android Studio's Run button, configure your project as follows:


After that, you can execute screenshot tests using either Android Studio's Run or Debug button as you normally would.

Q: My screenshot tests are not capturing images. What could be the issue?

A: If your screenshot tests are not capturing images, there may be several patterns that are causing this issue. Please follow these troubleshooting steps:

  • Enable Debugging: Set ROBORAZZI_DEBUG = true to see logs.

  • Check Plugin: Ensure that the plugin is properly applied.

  • Run Task: Verify that the recordRoborazziDebug task is running.

  • Call Method: Confirm that captureRoboImage() is being called.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue causing the screenshot tests to not capture images.

A: This warning may occur with Gradle 7.5. Upgrade to Gradle 7.6.2 to resolve this issue. Change the distribution URL in


Q: Can I run Roborazzi with Bazel?

A: As of now, there is no direct support for running Roborazzi with Bazel. However, it is possible to do so. Please refer to the following comment for more details: Roborazzi Bazel Support Comment

Q: My tests are being skipped or, conversely, are being run when they should be skipped. How can I handle caching to address this?

A: The behavior you are experiencing may be related to caching issues. Although it's experimental, you can set the outputDir parameter in your build.gradle file to handle caching and improve the stability of your tests. This parameter allows you to specify the output directory for your screenshots, which can help in managing the cache. Here is how you can set it up: If you use the default output directory(module/build/outputs/roborazzi), specifying the outputDir parameter is not necessary. For more reference, you can check out the issue.

roborazzi { outputDir = "src/your/screenshot/folder" }

Q: Why do my screenshot tests fail inconsistently across different operating systems like MacOS, Ubuntu, and Windows?

A: This is a known issue caused by variations in how graphics libraries render components on different platforms. This issue is due to variations in how graphics libraries render components on different platforms. As we've seen with Now in Android, there are no guarantees for identical rendering across all environments. To ensure more consistent results, consider configuring your continuous integration (CI) environment to both record and test screenshots. This setup minimizes discrepancies by using the same settings and resources for all tests.

Q: The images taken from Roborazzi seem broken

A: First, please check if you are using the correct version of the Android SDK. Consider using API level 28 or higher because it seems that Robolectric Native Graphics doesn't work property on older SDK versions.

You can specify the SDK version like @Config(sdk = [33]) or by using with sdk=33.

If your images are mostly fine but there are some drawing issues like shadows or shape graphics, you can try using Robolectric's Hardware Rendering mode. Please refer to this issue.

Q: I am seeing Out Of Memory errors.

A: You may solve this by using unitTests.maxHeapSize to adjust the unit test heap size as follows:

android { ... testOptions { unitTests.all { maxHeapSize = "4096m" } } }

It is discussed in this issue. Additionally, it might be worth trying to run your tests with VisualVM to monitor memory usage and identify potential leaks.

Q: IDEA Plugin Roborazzi Gradle task is not displayed in Tool Window.

A: It is discussed in this issue.
To enable the display of Roborazzi tasks, please enable Configure all Gradle tasks during Gradle Sync (this can make Gradle Sync slower) in the Settings | Experimental | Gradle.
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Last modified: 04 March 2025