Experimental AI-Powered Image Assertion
Roborazzi supports AI-powered image assertion. AI-powered image assertion is an experimental feature. Screenshot tests are a great way to verify your app's UI, but verifying the content of the images can be a tedious and time-consuming task. This manual effort reduces scalability. Roborazzi can help automate this process through AI-powered image assertion, making it more efficient and scalable.
There are two new library modules: io.github.takahirom.roborazzi:roborazzi-ai-gemini
and io.github.takahirom.roborazzi:roborazzi-ai-openai
for AI-powered image assertion.
leverages Gemini and generative-ai-kmp, while roborazzi-ai-openai
utilizes the OpenAI API through raw HTTP API calls implemented with Ktor and KotlinX Serialization
val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>()
val roborazziRule = RoborazziRule(
options = RoborazziRule.Options(
roborazziOptions = RoborazziOptions(
compareOptions = RoborazziOptions.CompareOptions(
aiAssertionOptions = AiAssertionOptions(
aiAssertionModel = GeminiAiAssertionModel(
// DO NOT HARDCODE your API key in your code.
// This is an example passing API Key through unitTests.all{ environment(key, value) }
apiKey = System.getenv("gemini_api_key") ?: ""
fun captureWithAi() {
roborazziOptions = provideRoborazziContext().options.addedAiAssertions(
assertionPrompt = "it should have PREVIOUS button",
requiredFulfillmentPercent = 90,
assertionPrompt = "it should show First Fragment",
requiredFulfillmentPercent = 90,
Behavior of AI-Powered Image Assertion
AI-Powered Image Assertion runs only when the images are different. If the images are the same, AI-Powered Image Assertion is skipped.
This is because AI-Powered Image Assertion can be slow and expensive.
Manual Image Assertion
You can use manual image assertion with Roborazzi. This allows you to utilize local LLMs or other LLMs. Manual Image Assertion doesn't require adding any dependencies other than Roborazzi itself.
You must provide the AiAssertionModel
to RoborazziOptions
to use manual image assertion.
interface AiAssertionModel {
fun assert(
referenceImageFilePath: String,
comparisonImageFilePath: String,
actualImageFilePath: String,
aiAssertionOptions: AiAssertionOptions
): AiAssertionResults
compareOptions = RoborazziOptions.CompareOptions(
aiAssertionOptions = AiAssertionOptions(
aiAssertionModel = object : AiAssertionOptions.AiAssertionModel {
override fun assert(
comparisonImageFilePath: String,
aiAssertionOptions: AiAssertionOptions
): AiAssertionResults {
// You can use any LLMs here to create AiAssertionResults
return AiAssertionResults(
aiAssertionResults = aiAssertionOptions.aiAssertions.map { assertion ->
assertionPrompt = assertion.assertionPrompt,
fulfillmentPercent = fulfillmentPercent,
requiredFulfillmentPercent = assertion.requiredFulfillmentPercent,
failIfNotFulfilled = assertion.failIfNotFulfilled,
explanation = "This is a manual test.",
aiAssertions = listOf(
assertionPrompt = "it should have PREVIOUS button",
requiredFulfillmentPercent = 90,
Last modified: 04 March 2025